Services Overview


aura & chakra readings

The Biopulsar Reflexograph is a multimedia imaging system using a biofeedback measuring device that is based on Eastern and Western alternative energy and medical science. According to alternative medicine studies, the reflex-zones give out an energy state and the tendencies of the internal organs and the psyche. By placing your right hand on the sensor, it only takes 1 to 2 minutes for the electronic measuring sensors to receive the exact vitality in more than 49 organ zones. The presentation of the body reflex-zones that are read by the hand sensor are displayed in different formats: dynamic biofeedback graphs of different organs in real time, dynamic total body aura, the organ aura, and the chakra activity. 

Using the Biopulsar imaging system, we check the energy/chi flow throughout the body, the organ systems, and the chakras. This shows us which areas are craving more energy flow, and which are sucking up the energy in your body. 

The system is also used to analyze and interpret your auric field.  This gives us great insight into not only the physical concerns that may be developing, or have already developed, but also gives us insight into the psycho-spiritual aspects of the condition you are in.  Essentially – this allows us to understand your body's messages and give it what it needs and wants to reach its optimal potential. 

By incorporating the Biopulsar into your lifestyle, we are confident that you will contribute greatly to your health. It is a proactive move towards reducing stress and strain on our overburdened mind and body. The Biopulsar's method of measuring is fast, accurate, informative and colourful!


Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression

Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to gain access to the unconscious mind so that it can find solutions to issues that the conscious mind has been unable to deal with. For example, if you have a fear or phobia, are depressed or lack confidence, this is most likely due to an experience that happened earlier in your life. One of the huge advantages of hypnotherapy is that it can usually get to the root of the problem and sort it out very quickly!

A Past Life Regression Hypnosis session will help you to uncover the most fascinating parts of who you are.  It can assist in understanding fears, phobias, obsessions, depression, relationship problems, and more.  



ThetaHealing® is a powerful healing technique that is used to reprogram the unconscious mind and your DNA-- identifying and unblocking belief systems that are blocking your path to wellness and replaces them with positive beliefs. 

Usui Reiki


Reiki offers personal transformation and holistic healing. It starts by giving you deep relaxation. As Reiki helps you heal, it removes stress and relieves pain. It helps you sort through emotional issues and creates spiritual clarity.  Reiki does not require a specific belief system or worldview and it belongs to no religion.  Reiki used in conjunction with stones or crystals can help balance the whole chakra system and give it a boost of energy.

Reiki is a natural, simple, safe, effective healing system that uses universal life energy, the energy which permeates our entire universe and all living things.  

The benefits of Reiki are not limited to healing!  Reiki can be used on situations, to achieve goals, to overcome obstacles. Its uses are endless! 

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medium readings

Medium Readings connect you with loved ones (human or animals) in the Spirit World.  As an Evidential Psychic Medium, Kristel will connect with your loved ones in Spirit and provide validating messages to confirm it is them by sharing their personalities and characteristics, bringing up past memories, talking about your past or current events to confirm they are still with you, and any other information they feel will validate their existence and connection to you. 

Usually your loved ones are as eager as you are to connect, however it is important to know that Kristel cannot guarantee who comes through, or what information they provide, so it is important to be open minded.  Trust whomever comes though, and that the messages given are in the highest and best way and are divinely timed for optimal healing and growth.  

Integrated Energy Therapy

Integrated energy therapy

Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) is the art of healing with the pure energy of the angels.  It has been described  as one of the "next generation, hands-on, power energy therapy systems that gets the issues out of your tissues for good!"

The principal objective of IET is to provide safe and gentle, yet powerful, support to release suppressed feelings, and the energy blockages they cause, from our cellular memory.  Releasing the blocks allows for self-healing on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).  IET uses divine angelic energy rays to work directly with one's 12-strand spiritual DNA to re-align and re-balance the body.  Once the energy field is clear the body becomes re-balanced, we find ourselves free of limitations to our good health, life purpose, prosperity and creativity.  IET can therefore be a tremendously empowering experience. 

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soul retrieval

Soul Retrieval is the recovery of the parts of our Soul that have fragmented. Our soul is our life force, our essence, the part of us that keeps us alive and thriving.  Shamans believe the soul is free to leave the body. Soul loss occurs when a part of the free soul leaves the body and does not return on its own. There are many different ways and reasons why this can happen. When we are born, we are like a beautiful chandelier with thousands of light bulbs. Partial soul loss occurs when a light goes out, which leaves the person with less power and vitality. Shamans for thousands of years have believed illnesses and diseases are often caused by soul loss.

Spiritual Counseling

spiritual counselling

There are times when we struggle with some of the most profound questions in life, such as those related to God, purpose, and meaning. It may be hard to see what is preventing us from achieving well-being and the spiritual connection which we long for. When we feel disconnected or isolated we may begin to experience spiritual, mental/emotional, and/or physical imbalances or dis-eases.  Spiritual counseling provides a safe and non-judgmental space where concerns of any kind can be expressed and explored.  

Home Cleansing and Blessing

home & business cleansing and blessings

Energy can be felt and is often referred to as a vibe or atmosphere. Everything in this world is made up of, and absorbs, energy including your home, business, personal belongings, jewelry, etc. Through time these places and items can become full of energy and need to be cleansed energetically. This occurs from thoughts, emotions, and energy of current and past owners, and visitors. When the energy within a home or business gets too thick and/or negative it can be detrimental to your health, relationships, finances, pets, and more. 

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Animal Healing: Theta/Reiki Combo

Animals too are a combination of body, mind and spirit and through time may accumulate energies that need clearing. To assist with this, we offer energy healing sessions, which are a combination of hands on healing such as Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy and ThetaHealing. Please refer to the above specific services to learn of their benefits.

During the session it is suggested the owner be present. If the animal is well behaved, the session can be done in our Divine Clarity Spiritual Centre. Or for a travel fee, we can come to your location where the animal will likely feel more relaxed and receptive to the healing session. Sessions are 30 minutes.

As animals commonly absorb energy from their environment and owners, it is often suggested the owner also come for a healing.

Ethics & Disclaimer

All services are provided with complete compassion and professionalism.  All treatments and contact information are kept confidential.  

We recommend clients leave 1-2 weeks between healing sessions. Sessions continue for as long as individuals believe they are needed. For Medium Readings, it is recommended leaving 4-6 months between readings. 

Spiritual services do not replace medical or psychological care, but rather, complements it.  We cannot offer guarantees as to the outcome of your treatment or a particular situation. Each person is different and must make a conscious effort to be open to change and growth. The greater the willingness and desire to change, the better the outcome will be. We all have the power to heal ourselves and our lives, and we would love to assist you with this process!